Franne McNeal has extensive corporate experience in financial services, manufacturing, sales and training.

Franne McNeal has extensive corporate experience in financial services, manufacturing, sales and training.

Franne McNeal has extensive corporate experience in financial services, manufacturing, sales and training.
Significant Business Results

Margot Friedman
Dupont Circle Communications
Franne helped me develop my first business plan with a series of questions and feedback that were enormously helpful. In fact, I doubled my earnings the year after I worked with Franne. Ask her about elephants, deer, and rabbits - it could change your life!

Jeanine Caunt
Kraftwerk Communications
She had the uncanny ability to step inside my entrepreneurial mind, formulate the questions I wanted to ask but couldn't articulate, then proceed to answer those questions - with a patience, wisdom, and clarity I've not experienced anywhere else.

Paul Shannon
Real Arts Media
Her organization, intelligence and passion for what she does was evident immediately. She's extremely savvy, and she knows how to help you focus on the key factors for success - strategically and tactically - for your business.
Franne McNeal
President, Significant Business Results
When small businesses struggle to reach $5M in annual revenues, I help themย focus their energy for action, and achieve significant business results.
With my 35+ years of experience in financial services, manufacturing, sales and training, I help business leaders: increase sales, improve cash flow, reduce expenses and generate greater profitability.
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Give me Significant Business Results
I want more clients, revenue and profits.